Design of Taipei Pop Music Center (TPMC) stems from a strong commitment to advance Taipei’s popular music industry, various cultural and commercial activities of the city, and a plethora of urban programs which fuel the vitality of the Nangang District. The form of the project, undulating over a large, primarily linear site bordering the fringes of a city to the north and rolling green hills to the south, is that of a hybridity utilizing the topological surface of ruled canopies to give its identity. The ruled surfaces—as a figure—offers three methods of engaging the functional needs of the center: first as a simple canopy to protect against the elements, secondly as a vertical fin and surface for billboards and signage, and finally, folded along a line as a scupper meant to engage the building in a larger urban-scaled hydrological logic required by the city. Streets, alleyways and public spaces cut through the volumes of the center, creating opportunities to intensify various urban activities around the block and enable spontaneous urban connections.
Full set of project images available on NADAAA’s website.